Whatever measures the “concerned powers” of these times may now despairingly be trying to experiment or pursue with regard to the remedying of the still burning 45-year old Afghan conflict, nothing can happen until real justice and accountability come to the fore in this regard: that is the full and unadulterated comprehension of the truth about what has been happening in that country all along — resulting in the situation we are still witnessing.
The West is the central protagonist of this whole drama, and wishes to falsify and confuse as much of the evidence about its unscrupulous role as it can. To this end, the most common Western misinformation tactic is to trace the Afghan problem to the “9/11” incident of 2001 when in fact that event is the exact midpoint marker of the long and sordid Afghan drama. Nobody mentions how the current turbulent condition in Afghanistan first arose, what the 1978 Revolution was and how — and why — the West calculatedly thwarted and sabotaged a whole programme of socio-political development in one of the world’s most unsettled and dangerous countries. If forced to mention that aspect, all we hear of is how the West “assisted” the Islamic “freedom fighters” in expelling the Soviet Union and its “puppet regime” from Afghanistan which resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and state systems. They try to avoid mention of how Jihadism was orchestrated to this end, however doing so is a bit hard. The West was unaware and unconcerned regarding the long term and “unintended” consequences of its actions, rather it could not even give a hoot; nor was it aware of the Afghan character, especially in the aroused and excited state. The only outcome that mattered was the destruction of the Soviet Union leading to Western global supremacy in 1992.
Although there were many foolish assumptions and mistakes in the process of the 1978 Revolution and the Soviet military intervention which took place thereafter as a result of the subsequent instability — it was basically a well-intentioned if naïve attempt at social reforms and overall upgradation. After all everything carries a price tag. This attempt was sabotaged deliberately in every way conceivable by a coalition led by America and its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which not only wanted to avenge its Vietnam debacle upon the USSR but also lead to the destruction of the Soviet state and its internationalism. The American-led West could not tolerate the modernisation of other societies and national entities unless these formed parasitic appendages of its “globalist” system in which Imperial America sat supreme upon the world throne.
The West, contrary to its anti-communist propaganda, did not disband NATO after 1991 but continued to expand it contrary to their own declared intentions. They thought they could take such shameless liberties — thinking also that the “Russian bear” would be easy prey without its Marxist-Leninist ideology, but in this they were proved wrong. Marxism-Leninism is part of the historic legacy of modern Russia — nay, of Eurasia — and not an end in itself as was once erroneously thought. Russia is now at another phase in its history which is neither Tsarist nor communist, but whatever shape it may have, it is still the solution to the continued future of progressive humanity and is thus the anti-thesis of the devilish anti-social philosophy of greed epitomised by the Anglo-American entity now lording it over the “New Rome” or Western Europe and its other allies and lackeys.
While initially the West thought that Jihadi Afghanistan was their means to wage their own “Vietnam” upon the USSR it is clear that the noxious and ill-intentioned meddling by the West in Afghanistan towards these ends has also catalysed the fall of the West — and that is what the actual initiatory significance of “9/11” was, followed by two decades of US-NATO intervention in Afghanistan which led not only to the longest American war effort in history, but the ignominious defeat and flight of this global “hyperpower” from the Afghan theatre in 2021.
But to return to the original theme of this article and the current status of the Afghan situation and the question of its solution, it has to be said that this is without precedent in the whole of history, given the intense and intractable nature of the conflict — in that the kind of accountability required will similarly be one of a kind and may require the proverbial “doomsday” itself and measures of equivalent intensity to assuage it. And that Doomsday we can now see, peering at us over the horizon as it looms larger with every new sunrise. The Afghan situation is not one to be shrugged aside or swept under the carpet out of sight — as in this case the treachery committed in subverting it has been very deliberate and insidious and has spawned consequences that are deeply spiritual in nature, being unlike anything that has ever come before.
This foul deed of the American-led West, has queered the pitch for the future of the Anglo-American world outlook (capitalism) and can have no other cure.
For four decades Afghanistan has been burning like a napalm fire refusing to be put out. In truth, our assessments of its situation are flawed and erroneous because we hold it to the “modern” standards of national-statehood; Afghanistan has never been a settled culture and society despite having had the modern political trappings of flag, borders, national anthem, etc. And it will never be one in the real sense till such time as it undergoes real reform and “social engineering”. It was precisely such an attempt that America began to thwart and put down 43 years ago. Of all the places in the world, Afghanistan is perhaps foremost in dire need of fundamental and profound social and cultural regeneration. Yet why does it not occur here? What lessons does Afghanistan — of all places — want to teach us?
In diagnosing this phenomenon, we must point out that the Pashtun-Afghan ethnicity central to the Afghanistan are a wild “Gog-Magog” Steppe type of people of ancient Scythian origin — whose primary inclination and activity is to sell their services for use in endeavours of profound mischief, especially on large scale geopolitical levels. In times of peace and unemployment, these fractious peoples are forever at war among themselves in a state of agitated primitivism. Ever since they began their take over of Eastern Iran/Lower Khorasan some 1000 years ago, they have destroyed the fabulous legacy of the world renowned civilisations of Bactria and Gandhara in this region, turning what was once a global entrepot of culture into a violent wasteland. They have the potential to degrade, and it was this potent poison that America tapped into and abused liberally — which has now led to the horrendous and unending fire we now see engulfing everything…this massive ulcer on the surface of the Human Condition, this wound which will not heal — and which awaits a novel, and epochal cure.