Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan
3 min readAug 26, 2023


The core of Pakistan’s all-encompassing “National Security State” policy evidently amounts to the rather facetious objective of being regarded as the pet dog of American regional interests

Yes — in days gone by, Pakistan was once (the West’s) bulwark against the USSR; Now it proudly proclaims that it acts as "a bulwark against [Islamic] terrorism" as the General has mentioned in the picture above to the touring American students — which Pakistan and its masters themselves created once upon a time not so long ago in the 1980s (conveniently not mentioned) — this is the classic Pakistani refrain, and is always how this fake country’s rogue ruling elite likes to present itself to its Anglo-American masters in the hope that they will always keep it by their side as their pet dog and treat it to tidbits and goodies from time to time and keep it viable. But global geopolitics has changed so drastically in the last decade that such loud proclamations are now pathetically useless and laughable.

Unlike a normal country, Pakistan exists not to serve the ends of justice or the welfare of its citizenry -- but its people form the cannon-fodder which has been utilised since 1947 by its rapacious robber ruling classes for use in the regional mischief and plans of the Anglo-Americans against their arch-enemy, the USSR/Russia.

The whole of Pakistan and the rationale quoted by its founders and subsequent "owners" in favour of its existence has been mischeviously contrived to fulfll this purpose...with the outward effect of trying to convince all and sundry of some vague and spurious Islamic purpose behind the creation of this country.

But the original situation which called for the creation of the pernicious artificial scheme called Pakistan has now been rendered obsolete by the steady rise of Russia and China to influence on the global stage since 2012, thus shredding the Western Cold War victory of 1992 and the stranglehold of their "Globalist" doctrine which saw them suck the life out of Afghanistan, followed by Iraq, Libya and then Syria.....that means that Pakistan now has no valid reason to exist for its creators and handlers, who kept it alive on their aid despite its diseased and dilapidated state so as to serve their nefarious purposes.

Now its desperate elites who themselves have reached the full extent of their corrupt tether -- are desperately yelling to their Western patrons and above all the Anglo-Americans that they are still useful and still merit consideration and therefore their masters should show mercy and continue to shower them with favours and the sumptuous aid which they rob and which fuels their pelf and privilege....sadly for them that is now all over. The bedevilled West is finally confronting an acute existential threat to its survival in its own very European backyard, and has neither the time nor resouces to waste in propping up a filthily corrupt and dysfunctional proxy that is far removed from their primary concerns.

Pakistan is dying. It has literally been consumed. Instead of asking their delinquent proxies to cough up their looted billions, Western institutions like the IMF are ordering the Pakistani rulers to exponentially increase the prices and cut subsidies on the prices of basic and essential commodities and services -- to repay the interest accrued on their numerous loans.

Instead of taking pride in their society and an honourable and respectable life based on honest hard work, this group of banditti called Pakistan’s ruling classes wants to be fed like pet dogs with freebies by its grateful Anglo-American masters, for barking and growling at Russia.

This is why our Commanding General still wants to declare at every step that he and his cohorts are the West's "bulwark against terrorism". That is a rather spent and pathetic slogan now!

Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan
Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan

Written by Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan

Scholar, Historian, Ethnologist, Philosopher, Activist.

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