The longstanding form of statehood in our particular geographic region for the past 2500 years has been Iranian and imperial. After the arrival of Islam, even if the Turks gained ascendancy in the local political milieu, they did so on a pedestal of Persian language and culture. It was with the arrival of the European colonial powers that the shrill ideals of nation-statehood or “nationalism” to which we are now solely accustomed….began to disrupt the naturally formed equilibrium of the delicate “organic” ethnic and cultural formations that pre-existed. Moreover, with the exception of Russia — colonial interference in this region was oriented not to social progress, but predicated on the basis of the malevolent power play waged by the Anglo-Americans against their principal global Rivals, the largest of which was and is Russia.
Now as the geostrategy of that rivalry changes (which it did after the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020), the old political and state structures erected and maintained by the Anglo-American on the basis of financial aid, for the furtherance of their malevolent strategies and run locally by parasite proxy elites have begun to fall redundant, and are now crumbling not only because of their perpetual internal crises but because they have been abandoned by their masters. As a result the states of Afghanistan (built on the remains of an old kingdom) and Pakistan (artificially assembled and carved out of the British Indian Empire and its annexed territories) are now in the terminal stages of their existence.
As a result of this breakdown, we are faced with a raucous cacophony of demands rooted in national-statehood about Pashtunistan, Hazaristan, Balochistan and what not. But such chaos and unreality are not the solution even to demands such as these. We need instead to look to history for guidance, and support durable and naturally evolved political concepts which will nourish all and can be improved upon.