Thirty years ago America the world’s most prosperous and rapacious power, used Islamic Jihadi ideology to destroy an attempt to reform (howsoever erroneous) the primitive and dangerous tribal society of the country known as Afghanistan — and in the process of doing that to defeat its global arch enemy the Soviet Union.
The intentions of America were not for the “defeat of evil” or “for the freedom of mankind” as it proclaimed. Rather the whole world has seen since then who is actually evil and how America regards real freedom. Through its Jihadi deception, America actually desired to increase its own control over as much of the world as possible and in doing so to maximise its own greed for profit.
In its evil actions in Afghanistan, America was assisted by its Punjabi-dominated servants, of the Pakistani military, political and bureaucratic ruling classes. As a result in the past thirty to forty years the Pakistani ruling elite has ridden a wave of corruption and gangsterism which has few precedents or coevals. Pakistan functioned as a rogue state whose chief purpose was meant to sow mischief and discord in a crucial global region to enable the success of overall American imperialist strategy. But the elders and leaders of this society have lost the respect of those whom they rule.
Now the effects of all this are very far reaching and have very profoundly affected and degraded Pakistani society. Some areas are more affected than others. Let us take the example of my home province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The traditional Pashtun culture of the locals in this province has little regard for decencies, and instead promotes criminal attitudes, arrogance, and egotism, rough and bellicose behaviour as being manly and honourable. They think that being dirty implies being tough and masculine. Because Khyber Pakhtunkhwa shares ethnic ties with Afghanistan, it was the main staging area for American-Pakistani Jihadi mischief. The past three to four decades have degraded and intensified the already primitive jungle like Pashtun tribal culture with Jihadi fanaticism and the culture of gangsterism and corrupt practices which took root under the successive so-called “democratic” robber Pakistani governments supported and bankrolled by American and Western aid. Not only that but hypocrisy is now cent percent and has reached an all-time high. People here kill in the name of a religion which they violate with impunity when its suits them.
When one walks the streets of Peshawar, not only does the whole area present a chaotic and filthy appearance, but the behaviour of the common man is full of rage and deliberate misbehaviours which manifest in uncooperativeness, egotistic competition, disorderliness, quarrelsomeness, violence, and all the lowly epithets one can think of. This kind of situation befits a pig-sty more than it does a proper society. Why are things like this?
The problem is, that over a period as long as thirty to forty years several generations come into existence and mature. Many people alive today would be too young to remember the American-Pakistani misdeeds described above. Most would not even have been born. Those who committed these deeds are still in power and continue feeding elaborate lies to the masses. It is easy to control the common man. Thirty to forty years form half of an average normal lifetime, and many live even lesser than this. People who do remember tend to forget, and ordinary citizens are too caught up in the petty chores of daily life to be properly concerned with issues of history, justice or morality — even if they are the main targets of American projects of global domination.
America’s evil flew back in its face on 11 September 2001, but to no avail. The subsequent twenty year American involvement in Afghanistan which ended in deserved defeat in 2021, plus the superficial and chaotic misapplication of American traits and “Americanisms” as applied to the societies of Afghanistan and KP ever since America achieved global domination after 1991 have added to the dirty mess described above…
Only God knows where this aggravated situation of extremes will end and how. As I see it, things have gone too far now to be cured in an ordinary way. Ordinary human intentions are too frail to rectify such a situation. It is very easy to degrade something, but to upgrade it again is literally an uphill task. And to dispense the requisite justice is even harder. I somehow relish the prospect of a Third World War, for that is where we clearly seem to be headed. There is no other cure for the ills I see around me.