Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan
19 min readApr 28, 2023

SPEECH, 29 April 2023:


We now live in the epochal time of a major global geopolitical turning point. Over the past 500 years, during the European Renaissance human civilisation has developed beyond all precedent in the spheres of scientific, technological, social, cultural, political and economic capabilities. Yet most of this has been abused, because it has been facilitated via illegitimate and violent strategies – and has served the purposes of a limited corner of the world, that is the continent of Europe and its North American and Australasian appendages across the North Atlantic and South Pacific oceans respectively. Although the progress has been great, its future has now become untenable due to the inherent structural flaws and injustices which have facilitated this progress thus far. We need to search for solutions because progress is the human birthright and it has to be safeguarded and streamlined….but it must operate in a manner which is conducive to stable growth, the collective good and human dignity. The problem facing humanity and its planetary home right now, is how to surmount this procedural obstacle without bringing destruction upon all that physically exists here.

Eurasia is the largest landmass on the Planet Earth. It is a supercontinental geographic structure, the vastness of which has been racially and culturally – and to a lesser extent climatically – apportioned by humans into the smaller European portion in the west – and the larger Asiatic portion in its eastern part. That is to say that unlike the other continents that exist on the Earth, the distinction between Europe and Asia is not geographic. In political geography all other regions of the Earth, including continents large and small are regarded as appendages of Eurasia and its influence. Eurasia is the pivotal foundation of all human history because it has hosted the most numerous and influential human racial category – that is the Indo-Europeans who comprise 46% of the total world population. It also hosts other major human racial and civilizational categories such as the Mongolic, Semitic and Turkic. Although the very vastness of each of these human categories has given rise to complexities and complications on all levels – even within the Indo-Europeans themselves – it has also engendered the growth of longstanding natural cultural and ethnic structures which refuse to die. They continue to serve as the bedrock and underpinning of civilisation. In present day terms, Russia is the only nation-state which truly characterises the Eurasian principle. Not only is it the largest entity in Eurasia by area, it is also the country with the largest landmass on Earth.

Western Europe has been in the vanguard of human development for the last five to six centuries. It has used a system of mercantile colonialism and imperialism with which to procure raw resources from the rest of the world which was not endowed with such capabilities – and transport that back to its hinterlands where it was transformed into wealth and power. This mercantilist colonialism created differentiated spheres of political and administrative influence in exploited areas, which rode roughshod over the more ancient underlying “organic” local political, ethnic and cultural realities. Although the colonising powers invariably and of necessity left a lot of modernising influences in such territories, it was not done with a positive intent – and only to facilitate their stranglehold. Such modernising influences amounted to patinas which were kept in place directly by the means of the colonising power, or its local proxy elites who were also propped up by them. Although colonialism has purportedly vanished in its overt form of direct occupation – the procedural modalities have been changed and it still exists in most parts of the world in a more indirect and “less visible” form.

The Twentieth Century saw the peaking of the process of unequal human progress as engendered by the European Renaissance. We saw the arrival and proliferation of motor transport, electricity, aircraft, atomic power, space travel and the computer age more or less within the last century. Of course, it is outside the scope of this report to dilate on the nature and significance of such developments.
The mode of overall human progress and development initiated in the West or Europe took human history by storm – and thinkers and philosophers thereafter sought to make this process fairer and universalize it for the common human benefit, initially within Europe itself. There were many such socio-political concepts and trends referred to as “socialism” – and the major trend in this regard was Marxism, which was initially put into practical political action via the concepts of Lenin in Russia.

This led to the establishment of the Soviet Union at the end of 1922, after a political revolution in the Russian Empire toppled the feudal Tsarist regime in 1917. The Soviet Union may indeed have been technically an “empire” by virtue of its administrative and geographical characteristics, but it was a unique state in many respects: a state which literally spanned the vast extremities of both Europe and Asia – Eurasia in its truest sense – it was a state consisting of many culturally demarcated regions and ethnicities huge and tiny…with each being guaranteed its own sovereign rights and identity… it had a benevolent and fraternal Promethean philosophy at its heart to empower the common man and provide him (or her) all necessary facilities for physical and mental development. In return, each citizen was co-opted to play his or her due role in society, according to the scope of his or her own capacity. The USSR took into account the geographic, cultural and ethnic realities of its territories and shaped its policies accordingly. Policies were no longer shaped by the greed or selfish interests of coercive classes or categories be they economic or racial.

Of course, the traditional powerbrokers in Western Europe who held the stranglehold over the world’s wealth and the rest of humanity could not stand this state of affairs – and the Twentieth Century, especially after 1945 – is the story of the conflict between the paramount Western power (which I term as the Second British Empire of the USA) and the Soviet Union, which was centred, but benevolently, on Russia. If Russia is the historical representative of Byzantium, then Western Europe in most ways is a continuation of the Western Roman Empire. In 1992 a set of clever moves by the Americans took advantage of some structural flaws in the USSR and brought about its collapse. For the next 30 years the whole world witnessed the naked reality of Western intentions as they became the sole arbiters of the globe once more and arrogantly declared themselves to be the “end of history”.

We need to study history and the natural flow of its processes in order to formulate strategies on all levels for the formation of Eurasian structures and coordination. These will be the most well founded, scientific and practical in approach. Here I must insert some views about the country I was born in, and which I am currently a citizen of – Pakistan. Pakistan as a state is a pure creation of British imperialist geopolitical strategy and as such represents no viable ethnic, cultural or even economic reality. It is a rentier state, controlled by a very corrupt militarised proxy elite and depends almost entirely on Western aid for its continued existence. Longstanding Anglo-Western geopolitical interests in the area (such as their “Great Game” strategy to counter Russia in South Asia and the Middle East) – have changed over the past decade as the US-NATO encountered defeat in Afghanistan and confrontation with Russia shifted directly to the European Theatre. Moreover Pakistan suffers from its own illness of endemic corrupt dysfunction, and a globally declining West can no longer afford to pour in billions to keep the robber elites and their artificial country propped up. Pakistan has therefore become a diseased liability for its former masters, but its ruling elite doesn’t seem to realise that. Russia and China while having asserted themselves globally in the same period – have offered Pakistan many arrangements including a respectable alternative in the form of CPEC since 2015, but events this year seem to demonstrate amply that the slavish Pakistani ruling classes prefer to remain the faithful and lowly servants of the Anglo-American powers even though the latter keep distancing them like a diseased pet which is no longer wanted. It is amply evident that the Pakistani ruling classes know that they can do no better and are content to remain slaves. There is public outrage at this attitude, but even so the public does not seem to be in any position to affect outcomes. Perhaps this is all that the reality of an artificially contrived state can afford to offer. The position of this country is becoming increasingly critical by the day.

I myself embody a classic “Eurasianist” combination in my very being: as a Pakistani Tajik on my father’s side, and being English on my mother’s – my makeup is Eurasian in every aspect, and I had to discover the underlying secrets in order to render my own being stable and viable for continued and purposeful existence! Fortunately this lifelong internal and very personal quest at the core of my being has borne fruit…this typification represents the Man of the Future.

It must be noted that the structure of the USSR embodied the first instance true Eurasian philosophy in modern political times. Although the USSR no longer exists in name, we are still in possession of its concepts and legacies. We can now learn better from past mistakes of any nature – be they political, doctrinal, economic or even ethnic. We can create a larger and more encompassing Eurasian polity, with multiple centres of power in a spirit of benevolent cooperation and decency. Civilisation stands for such values, not the sophisticated pillage and rapine which the Anglo-Saxon world has sadly come to typify. The time of change in the world has once more arrived when Western Globalism has fallen prey to its own greedy tendencies and has overreached itself wreaking havoc on humanity and its planet alike. The two major Eurasian Superpowers of Russia and China have once more awakened to their historic role. The sad aspect is that a war seems inevitable in correcting such injustices and deliberate imbalances as the West will not relinquish its stranglehold – and the destruction wrought by such a war will now also be without precedent in known history.


The world now stands at one of the most critical cyclic times in the epoch of human history as massive powers representing Good and Evil stand in final array against each other –and are about to clash, with consequences of which there is no documented precedent….

In order to explain this and the role of our region in the matter – we must first of all shed light on this region comprising Afghanistan and Pakistan, collectively termed as “Af-Pak” at one time in American State Department terminology. These are the names of two failed and failing nation-states respectively, the existence of both being rooted in arbitrary regional restructuring by Anglo-American imperialism for the purpose of furthering their nefarious geopolitical and strategic regional objectives.

Afghanistan is a wilderness created from a sized down version of an unstable 18th Century Persianate Afghan empire created in lower Khorasan after the unexpected demise of Persian Emperor Nader Shah Afshar. In modern times its primary function was to serve as a buffer between the expanding British and Russian global influences in this area – serving in that role primarily at the instigation of the former power. Although the territory of what became known as Afghanistan 175 years ago consisted of legendary centres of metropolitan Persian civilisation such as Herat, Bactria, Gandhara and Sistan-Zabulistan – the arrival and predominance in this region of Saka Scythian hordes beginning 2000 years ago was to have a baleful influence on the area and its historical legacies…an influence which came in useful for malicious imperialist schemes of later times, which we still see in operation today. The occurrence and subversion of an unsuccessful political and social revolution aimed at modernising Afghanistan in 1978 saw it become the final battle ground between Anglo-American and Russian global influences which saw the latter receive a twenty year setback in the form of the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Ten years later the Islamic Jihadi policy which America employed to subvert Afghan Marxism flew back in the face of its creator – which necessitated an invasion of Afghanistan by NATO in 2001 and its subsequent and ultimately unsuccessful American occupation for two decades thereafter.

Pakistan is an ethnic patchwork separated from the main body of the British Indian Empire when Britain relinquished direct rule in this territory. It is held together and managed solely by its Army – for whose existence it serves as a justification. In return, this Army exists only so that it can receive rewards from its only employer – the Anglo-Americans – which has used it as its major instrument to serve its anti-Russian interests in this theatre in various major geostrategic phases for the past 200 years.

However America was eventually defeated in 2021 in Afghanistan, fleeing that country in stealth and terror after failing to rope it in, and control its black hole of corruption and anarchic disorder which had endlessly sucked in trillions of their Dollars over the preceding twenty years of their war and presence, but to no avail.

In the light of this epochal American defeat after its Cold War victory of 1992, three months later Russia moved quickly to consolidate its legitimate defence objectives by arraying its army on the border with the Ukraine – which had become the hotbed of Atlanticist mischief. This move represented a strategic shift in the Atlanticist-Russia confrontation paradigm which has dominated the fate of humanity for the past two centuries, thereby rendering the Central Eurasian Great Game strategy redundant. Pakistan was the lynchpin of this strategy, which had already turned sour and unsafe after the incident of 2001. The US and its allies are now faced with the most acutely existential security challenge ever.

In other words, this sudden new situation implied the strategic redundancy of Pakistan. And that strategy is what the entire raison d’etre of this country was about: a country with a nonsensical name; with absolutely no basis in ethnic commonality; created in the name of a religion never seriously regarded…and a country created not for the weal of its citizens, but for the benefit of its Western dependent ruling elites – of which the Army is paramount.

Pakistan is a country that has long been afflicted with dysfunction in the process of discharging its role as a shameless instrument of imperialist policy, as it was never designed to be a normally functional system – but it needed only a cover for the purposes of outward propriety and legality. After 9/11 its principal imperialist master had realised the hazards involved in dealing with it, and had slowly tried to disentangle itself from such liabilities…but the dangerous intricacies of the entanglement were very damning. The only option America could pursue in this regard was to slowly distance itself. Pakistan’s conditions had steadily deteriorated to the point of becoming a regional security threat – primarily with regard to the interests of the rising global powers of Russia and China. With this in mind, both Russia and China has begun to approach Pakistan with supportive diplomacy and practical programmes of goodwill, and in April 2015 China began implementation of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – designed to be a primary component of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) Eurasian Geostrategic initiative. This and other minor initiatives had seemingly proceeded without any remarkable let or hindrance till the spring of 2022.

Russia’s post-US Afghan withdrawal moves in the Ukraine represented the definitive cut-off of the old global order – and everyone involved knew this. Pakistan’s elites and its Army had all along treated Russian and Chinese offers and advances with lukewarm enthusiasm…regarding them as “better than nothing” while naively sticking to the belief that their primary Anglo-American godfathers would never abandon them and stand with them through thick and thin. Moreover Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was unlike the other traditional elites: he is an unabashed and charismatic sports celebrity not a traditional Pakistani politician, and his cultural mores are not only sophisticated bourgeois, but elitist English. Unlike most Pakistanis his physical features are also European and he has none of the “Indian” inferiority complexes or hang-ups that are common here; he looks the English in the eye and treats them as equals (and that is reciprocal)…and for an average Pakistani that is the biggest deal to aspire to.

With such a frame of mind, Imran Khan was hardly aware of – nor did he care for – the considerations which underpinned the reality of Pakistan, its purposes and existence. He was used to making bold statements which were not in accord with the realities of the situation….and on 24 February 2022 when Russia began its military operation in the Ukraine, he happened to be the guest of Vladimir Putin in Moscow and he gave full support to the Russian moves. This was too much for the Atlanticist masters, who sent an angry riposte to their proteges in Islamabad, demanding that they rein in Imran Khan.

The Army panicked, concocting a “constitutional crisis” which resulted in the removal of Imran Khan. The Army also arbitrarily terminated participation in CPEC and pulled out of it, however this was done stealthily. They also gave anti-Russian statements regarding the issue of the Ukraine. However in doing all this, the Army succeeded in furthering the undoing of what was already a rotten and controversial structure to begin with, and it precipitated consequences which have no parallel in the 75-year history of Pakistan.

In its actions, the Army seems to suffer from the same hopeless illusions as all Pakistani elites do: that it is still needed, and if it somehow pleases its Anglo-American overlords, they will continue bailing out its corrupt and dysfunctional structure. They do not realise that the Atlanticists are in permanent historic decline, and on the back foot – and are now acutely preparing to fight for their continued survival; a corrupt drain hole like Pakistan is among the least of their concerns and previously they cynically tolerated it as it served their geopolitical purposes. But that is no longer the case, not after 2022.

To sum up, Imran Khan does not have the character or gravity to lead a meaningful revolution – and that too in an already defective political structure such as Pakistan; likewise and for the same reason, in my opinion -- the Pakistani people lack the capability of bringing about an effective revolution or even knowing what they need. Instead what Imran Khan may cause is chaos and breakdown which would be the next best thing for us in the given circumstances. Pakistan is an agent of harm and represents aberrant forces – and in no way can it serve any legitimate Eurasian cause. The Anglo-American imperialists had evidently undertaken a careful observation and study of the characteristics of these lowlife peoples, finding them to be useful in the propagation of their unsavoury objectives.

Pakistanis live unrealistically with regard to the country they take their name from — as they expect to be sustained parasitically by the foreign imperial powers whose interests they have thus far served. While such notions may have worked so far, that will no longer be the case.

The main purpose of the Pakistani artificial state framework — cobbled together by the British and handed over to a Punjabi-Indic dominated servile elite setup — was achieved during the 1980s when it began prosecuting the Pashtun-based Jihad which acquired an increasingly gangster like character as it unfolded. Recently however the strategic interplay between the Anglo-Americans and Russia has changed acutely and abruptly, leaving Pakistan in the lurch as the older long term strategic situation for which it was originally created no longer exists. But their basic character and expectations will not change, despite this: for they want masters like the Anglo-Americans to patronise them, for the same malevolent purposes — and they naively expect to cut similar deals with Russia and China as they have been doing with the Anglo-Americans for the past 200 years…and that is simply not possible.

The servile yet mercenary Punjabis used the wild and primitive Pashtuns to receive rewards in Dollars for services rendered to their US masters in the course of the Great Game — but as the US involvement with Afghanistan finished in 2021 that method no longer works although the Pakistan Army still resorts to stirring up trouble in the Tribal Areas and with the Pakistani Taliban to try and get the grants in cash and the pats on the back from its American masters that it was regularly used to getting. The Pakistani public still accuses its Army of playing such games — on the social media, but characteristically does nothing more than that. Pakistan is a neo-colonial state the elites of which are not interested in developing their society or creating a functional modern state’s infrastructure…all that interests them are the monetary rewards forthcoming from their Anglo-American masters which they spend directly on petty personal gratification. In this attitude they were fully encouraged by their imperialist patrons, and the materials they use for their work were the proud Pashtun-Afghan tragicomic donkeys.


To find out why such policies took root and prevailed here, it is necessary to examine the nature of the people known as Afghans and Pakistanis. This will also inform us as to what can be expected of them by us – in the future of Eurasia.

To any philosopher with clarity of mind, it is clear that Afghans and Pakistanis are composed of the dregs of their respective civilisations. They were brought to the fore by Fate to participate in the Endgame, featuring the opposition of the Anglo-Devilish civilisation to the future of humanity centred on Eurasia, under the Russian banner – in favour of the former. The area of Afghanistan and Pakistan constitutes the very heart of Eurasia…which according to geopolitical theorists, is essential to the destiny of Eurasia….just as Eurasia is vital to the direction of human history itself.

It is interesting to note that physically Pakistan encompasses the shatter-zone between the historic Greater Iranian and Indian ethno-cultural spheres.

The Pashtun-Afghan ethnicity represents raw and untameable Scythian clunker. It is the very essence of discord and disorder, and to expect anything other of it would be foolish in the extreme. In the past these people inhabited the vast Eurasian Steppes, and their purpose seems to have consisted of periodic irruptions onto settled Indo-Iranian societies which had grown corrupt and decadent and needed to be torn down for renewal in the manner that the Arabian historian Ibne Khaldun described. These Sakas existed on the peripheries of political order, and were lost in the vastness of the Steppe, so they did not really bother anyone with their presence. Like the metal Radium, they are possessed of valuable and rare radioactive properties – but must be handled with extreme care and kept locked under restriction by responsible keepers. They are the mighty but malevolent People of Gog-Magog described in the writings of old, against whom Cyrus the Great of Persia battled and by whom he was killed. These are the people whose sole purpose in life seems to be to hire themselves out to the corrupt powers that be, so as to achieve their dirty work. Although these people are technically “Aryans” – Eastern Iranians – they have nothing to do with the glories of Persian civilisation and culture per se. The Pashtun-Afghan ethnicity now found populating western Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan are the largest remnants of the Saka influence to be found in Eurasia. They started to rise to prominence in modern history five hundred years ago, with the rise of Atlanticist Imperialism in the world, and the House of Timur in Turco-Iranian Central Asia.

Although they seem to have played their destined role and inflicted defeat upon their old Anglo-American master who had once made use of them….I do not see any further positive role for them in realising the destiny of Eurasia nor will their treacherous and disruptive character lend them to any such action.

Pakistan is Indic in character and is culled from the lowest on offer in Indian civilisation – people with an incurable sense of subordination and inferiority, which permeates their existence from the core of their being. They have a deep and passionate attraction for the Afghan and their utmost aspiration seems to be his emulation.

Both the Afghan-Pashtun and Pakistani situations represent hopeless if opposite extremes – which have nothing but negativity on offer and which are now condemned by history.

Why expect the impossible from the spiritually fallen? Both the Pakistanis and the Pashtuns-Afghans are suited to carrying out the lowliest of tasks and dirty work. That role of theirs has been in evidence since the creation of the British Indian Empire, followed by that of Pakistan. However, with the defeat of their Devilish master in sight their role is over and like the condemned they now await their deserved fate. So total is their predicament, and so sealed is their fate. We need to be wise in this regard and waste no more time. Humanity is now on the verge of a new era and that will be centred on Russia – even though we will have to go through the paroxysms of a global war of unprecedented intensity to get to it.


As a Tajik from what is now Pakistan…and therefore being a representative of the most ancient Persian Civilisation who is now struggling to The immediate future concern for us is the restitution of historic and organic Iran Zamin, thereafter to be joined to the Eurasian nucleus. This will be the natural response to the disintegration of unnatural and negative political entities and arrangement like Pakistan – but also bring under effective control that which needs to be reined in, i.e the Pashtuns-Afghans.

From examining the sum total of the characteristics of both Pakistan and Afghanistan and my own personal experience and observations, I can safely say that both these contexts are spent and represent no hope for positive future action or expectation.

If the spiritually fallen are willing to submit to the proper authority and guidance, we can consider accommodating them in special peripheral regions as was the case in the past. Or else, they will have to contemplate utter transformation if they wish to survive. If not, they must be done away with on an emergency basis and as efficiently as possible. The fact that nonsense such as this was tolerated, nay justified and nurtured, thus far – attests to Atlanticist imperial strength. When that wanes, so will the impertinence of the Gog-Magog and the ever servile Pakistanis too will be recognised for what they are.

In summation – in the past five centuries, since the rise in the world of the Atlanticist imperial apparatus and that of the Timurids in Central and South Asia – the history of Easten Iran Zamin or Khorasan has undergone a progressive falsification. The remnants of Saka Scythians (Pashtun-Afghan) who are a potent force for negativity, mischief, anarchy and discord –for destruction is their very nature – have been fully utilised by unscrupulous imperial powers, both the local Turks as well as Western Europeans. For the past six years, I and my associates have been busy forensically restoring our rightful history which had been mangled beyond recognition.

Iran Zamin has to be reconstituted and reintegrated. And Iran Zamin in pieces, with Saka-remnants (Pashtuns-Afghans) ruling the roost – will not do the job.

We still remember the time when our legendary forebear Cyrus the great fought and was killed by the Sakas and their Queen Tomyris – and how he is recorded by all the sources and traditions, both local and Islamic as confronting the Gog-Magog (Sakas) and building walls against them to protect his citizens from these unsettled Scythian marauders, as the basis of his efforts. That serves as our beacon.

The people of Iran are infinitely better than the Eastern Iranian Scythian dregs of the Steppes – but the latter must be brought under the control of the former, and that calls for the reintegration and resurrection of historic Iran Zamin, at least in a rudimentary shape and on an emergency political basis – to be ready for the coming times of war.

Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan
Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan

Written by Akhundzada Arif Hasan Khan

Scholar, Historian, Ethnologist, Philosopher, Activist.