The death of an evil setup is at hand — which once played a key role in securing global tyranny
Pakistan is a fake and artificial country which has been established primarily as an instrument for maintenance by an aid-fed robber elite headed by the army, acting in a rentier capacity for the interests of Anglo-American global imperialism — and it therefore could not afford to have original and independent minded leaders, no matter how flawed….by this I refer to the best exponents of Pakistani leadership such as Messrs. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Imran Khan. For those who harbour naive hopes for the Pakistani dispensation and its continuity, my words will disappoint.
However the beauty of it is that Pakistan — which was an unnatural and malevolent entity created for use in the epochal Anglo-Russian “Great Game”…. is no longer needed for its pernicious and disruptive role — since that confrontation has now reached critical acuteness, being focused in Europe within the Ukraine; therefore Pakistan, already reeling from festering corruption and dysfunction, has been abandoned by its Western makers and sustainers to its deserved fate. It has also failed to respond to friendly and helpful overtures from China and Russia over the past decade, because it is unsuited to serve them in the same manner that it served its Anglo-American overlords.
An examination of Pakistan’s 77 year history of existence shows how the Anglo-Western powers put it and the negative potentials of its various constituent ethnicities to effective use in countering the Soviets/Russians as well as in destabilising and degrading the social character of the whole south and central Asian region. Unlike other modern states, Pakistan was established with this sinister purpose in mind — rather than for the normally proclaimed purposes of the wellbeing and quality of its general population. Without its evil Anglo-assisted purpose of creation, it has no other justification for existing.
It is my prediction that the coming elections two weeks away around the corner will finally bust and put paid to Pakistan’s tottering system as well as the “democratic” farce engendered by America during the Jihadi era of the Great Game which saw the West win the Cold War against the Soviet Union. This was a period of maximal corruption in Pakistan which lasted about 40 years.
Territorially, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan, the backwater provinces — will become largely ungovernable with the TTP and Balochi nationalists lying in wait…while the trans-Indus Indian provinces of Punjab and Sindh which form the infrastructural core of Pakistan’s industry and agriculture, will retreat into their own enclaves seeking patronage and alliances of convenience with neighbours such as Iran and even arch enemy India.
Pakistan, because of the systemic rot induced in it by the Afghan Jihad which overwhelmed its always faulty system — lost its usefulness to its Anglo-American masters and became an unstable liability instead. This state of affairs became total in the year 2021, when in the aftermath of the global Covid-19 pandemic America fled Afghanistan after a disgraceful 21-year fiasco and when later that year Russia prepared to initiate the strategic Ukraine conflict. The lines for a new post-1945 global order had actually begun to be drawn far earlier in 2012 when Russia began to reassert itself in international geopolitics in reaction to the mischief orchestrated in Syria by the US and Britain that year.
With the heightening of global security tensions in general, we should also be prepared to see the demise of an instrument which was employed in orchestrating many of the conspiracies which upheld that baleful world order after 1945… is called Pakistan. It should be a very educative experience indeed.