As long as America was in Afghanistan -- and as long as the old American dominated global security order was intact, Pakistan's relations with the Taliban elements (which it had created for use in the post-Cold War Order) would be stable. That was because Pakistan itself was a component created to serve long standing anti-Russian Anglo-American global security needs in this region.
But what with the global capitalist economic downturn resulting from COVID-19 and now that America has fled Afghanistan in defeat last year.....followed suddenly and quickly by the acute and direct Russian military challenge to NATO in the European theater of the Ukraine -- America no longer needs Pakistan to serve those redundant regional security needs, nor will it tolerate any of the previous corrupt arrangements and proxy privileges that had been in force for the past 75 years since the creation of Pakistan in 1947. So it has effectively abandoned Pakistan and the aid it was giving to this country for this purpose...and that aid was Pakistan’s lifeblood.
Meanwhile Pakistan has failed to respond satisfactorily to comprehensive Chinese and Russian cooperative initiatives offered to it in the past decade -- in the form of CPEC -- instead openly preferring the slavish tutelage imposed on its and its ruling elites by the West, which are actually a direct continuation of the master-slave relations that the British had with their Indian subjects when the East India Company first arrived in the Indian Subcontinent in the 1600s and began taking it over.
So the situation is hopeless. We are now wittnessing the end of a 400 year old corrupt geopolitical order of paramount Western global ascendancy.....and there is nothing to replace it, except the prospects of total disintegration, and an atomic war.
On a local level, the Taliban are very effective because Pakistan and its abandoned and corrupt system are rapidly giving way to chaos and breakdown of writ and system....and there is no effective alternative or revolutionary force to replace them except the Taliban. That is how bad things now are over here. And the Pakistani ruling elite has set itself up to face the kind of crash that has few precedents, but which it fully deserves on account of its unrepentant greed and short sightedness.